Monday, October 29, 2007

As long as you are prepared to be dirty, not shower as frequently (no difference for me) and smell like a camp fire it is one of the best things you can do as a family. I loved the sound of the birds first thing in the morning, catching fish on the beach, amateur bird watching, walks on the beach alone and/or with the kids, having a quick dip in just your undies and singlet, sand crumbed kiddies, the smell of sunscreen and more than anything everyone enjoying being together and singing songs around the camp fire you never thought you remembered the words to (eg. Tie a yellow ribbon round an old oak tree, Hello Dolly...well hello dolly).

Thursday, October 25, 2007
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Friday, October 12, 2007

Fynn the usual curious observer who loves to experience everything he touches by putting it in his mouth has thankfully yet to put 'Happy Feet' in his mouth and is happy to just follow her around the garden and see what noises she makes when he pats her or grabs onto her tail feathers.
To keep Happy Feet company in the chicken chariot on wheels we are getting another two tomorrow. The disputes over names and who gets to name them have already begun. I'm betting that we come home with three so everyone gets to name one.
Monday, October 8, 2007


Wednesday, October 3, 2007

I cant explain the sheer joy and excitement from Myles when he put the frogs from their small bowl into their new 'luxury' home. I swear one of the frogs was doing laps round the pond and quietly I was imaging it shouting "I'm free, I'm free". We sat for ages just watching them and Myles tried so hard to resist scooping them up for what would seem like a long time for a four year old until he couldn't resist temptation any longer and just had to hold them and have them leap from his hands. Its been such a great experience to watch them develop from tiny tadpoles to frogs. I remember as a kid having tadpoles and being fascinated with them and sitting and watching them eat the mosquito larvae and being so upset when they disappeared into the yard and when dad found one dead in the pool. However, we could always hear them in the yard for years to come. I think its these kinds of experiences as kids that make us value and appreciate nature, its intricacies, fragility and beauty.
My husband who at first was very reluctant to get chickens has agreed to getting them as long as we only get two. This weekend his enthusiasm grew once it came to the construction and designing of their new home which has gone from a small chicken tractor that could be picked up and moved to a chicken mansion on wheels. I'm loving his new found passion for designing chicken houses. Will keep posting updates of its progress.