Henny Penny: The Leader.
Mrs Tilly: The Follower
A photo or moment in time can reveal so much about somebody or something by the way they walk, the way they communicate, the way the look and by the way they act. Chickens for example, have what we call a pecking order. There is a dominant one, the followers (assistant's), and the then there is one that wonders why the others want to be a follower and constantly tries to fight against the leadership.
Mrs Peck: The Mother Hen
Charlotte: The new girl on the block taken under the wing by Mrs Peck.
We all have the same requirements for living - food, water, air, shelter, companionship, love, social interaction. No matter who we are or what we do behind feather or skin we are all the same. There is a natural pecking order within the coop and within relationships in family, work, and friends and harmony/balance prevails if everyone sends and wants love in their life.