With great delight and squeals of excitement we discovered that there were lots of other critters out enjoying the aftermath of the downpour, including a family of grasshoppers (mummy, daddy, baby and grandma) who were clearly having a family meeting on a leaf or as suggested by Myles, they could of just been sun baking, a shy snail that wouldn't come out of its shell (particularly once it was picked up by the kids), and a beautiful yellow ladybug on her way to eat the aphids on grandmas roses.
One of the kids asked where all the grasshoppers came from and another replied "from another world". How right they are, these little alien looking creatures, with huge eyes and long legs get such a bad wrap. We watched and observed them for a while, checked out how many legs they had, how many different coloured ones we could find, and held them in our hands feeling their little hairy legs tickling the palm of our hands.

So glad you got some rain!
Ya know, you're an adult now. If you wanna run 'round in ya undies, you can! ;p
Great post, love the buggy stories...Xxx
Pop over to mine when you have time...Xxx
It was so lovely to read about your summer day while I'm trying to stay warm in 6 degree temps! Beautiful photos.
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