Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Finally, the girls have pulled through, after the loss of a couple of friends to our pet dog Kooly, lice infestation from the visiting minor birds, numerous threats of being made dinner if they didn't start laying, a few pep talks and more importantly a change in diet and bedding we are getting eggs daily. What a wonderful surprise it was to come home from hospital with Myles and lift the door open and see two beautiful eggs. We now have a new mid morning ritual - collecting the eggs and don't forget to always thank the girls.


World Wide Alternative said...

Oh what joy!
A symbol of new beginings.
I can't wait to have chooks...Xxx

Unknown said...

Congrats! I have these fabulous neighbors who provide me with eggs when they have a surplus. I can't wait to have chickens someday.

waldorfmama said...

hi shea - just now discovering your blog, via bex's. i'll be visiting often! wow, scarlet fever...how frightening that must have been. glad you on the other side of it and now having eggs. :) - shelley, waldorfmama.com