This is the newest member to our clan - BOB -a cross cattle dog saved from the RSPCA.
I decided about a month ago to attempt a year of not buying clothes, and wear only the clothes I have or purchases from op shops, or made myself. Someone suggested to me that every time I saw something i wanted to buy that I place this money into an account. So I did and instead of spending it on a much needed holiday we decided to rescue a puppy from the pound this weekend. Bob has had a really rough time, after being dumped at the pound with his brothers and sisters all of them contracted a near fatal disease that killed a couple of his siblings and then he broke his pelvis - all in the first 12 weeks of his life. After all he has been through he is the sweetest little guy and just so cute - and currently growling at Dan's snoring - clearly he is terrified.
I wish more lovely people would adopt a pet from the RSPCA - I don't really know why more people don't, all these little guys need is a nice home and lots of love. Sure there are lots of things to consider but really.......I could get on my soap box about this issue but will leave it.
Sure, we have had our dramas with having a dog and I'm sure we will have many more with two - but really I think that no mater what furniture/shoes they may eat, no matter how much hair they drop, how many poos I have to pick up, the holes dug, having another mouth to feed in the morning, keeping them in etc...etc.....the benefits of having a pet that you potentially saved from being put down and giving it a warm and loving place to live and having a beautiful relationship develop between your pet, you and your family - outweighs it all.

Kooly, Bob and Myles
My boys benefit so much from having a dog, teaching them the responsibility of caring for a living creature, gentle handling, animal behaviour and death by living with a pet. Kooly is a loyal friend to the boys, following them where-ever they go on the farm, running with them, and playing ball games with them. The other day I caught Fynn laying face to face with Kooly on the verandah - talking softly to her, gently tracing his finger around her eyes and nose and Kooly responding with a kiss (lick). It was such a special moment between a boy and his dog. Kooly the unquestioning confidant and valuable companion for a little boy when his big brothers at school and his mums cooking dinner.
Oh Bob is just gorgeous. Welcome home Bob.
I am with you, i wish we would all purchase our pets from places that need our open arms. He is just gorgeous....xx
he is so darn cute, i love the bottom photo of myles and the dogs running, they look so free and happy together
Congratulations on the addition of Bob to your family. He's beautiful. Look at that facial expression!
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