- I will never have a good nights sleep and never sleep in beyond 7
- I will cook the majority of meals with one hand and child attached to my hip or leg
- I will never go to the toilet or shower alone
- There will always be more than two in the bed
- That some days go to shit
- That they are going to climb the highest tree with the most precarious looking branches and I'm not always going to be there to hold them steady, but I will damn try to tell them which branch is the strongest and less likely to break
- And lastly that I can be wrong.
Now reading back over this list some seem so insignificant and now I wouldn't want it any different. We change as parents and we adapt and I now cant imagine life any different and I suppose there will come a time when I will have to accept that all these things I now love will change and I will have to begin accepting those changes.
Oh so true and so sweet. When we can accept these things and see this is the stage and life we are in, life rocks that bit more. What a gorgeous post, thanks for the wisdom...xxx
I so needed to read this today. New baby just 5 weeks and the 3 1/2 boy and I and the baby all have colds - just accept. Thanks for the reminder - will have a look at your blog again!
I need to bookmark this so I can come back & read it every now & then.
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