Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A Moment

Tonight I overheard a little conversation between the boys that made my heart sing.
Myles: "Come hear my little mate (Fynn)"
Fynn: "Nooooo"
Myles: Yeah come on, I love you! Do you Love me?"
Fynn: Yeah
Simple sweet words that made me smile and feel warm and fuzzy inside. I so needed to hear them after the escalating fighting between them lately, and when I peeked over the kitchen bench there they were - Myles with his around a Fynn.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


The boys and I have been enjoying wandering, exploring, and enjoying time at home over the last few days - getting out into the sunshine before it disappears behind a cloud and it begins to rain again.
The fungi's are in bloom on the farm and have provided an opportunity for us to go out exploring, observing and letting our imaginations take flight. They are appearing in so many different colours, shapes and sizes. So naturally beautiful in their form and colour some look like seashells hanging from a rock, or perhaps they are imitating a penny wart leaf, and yes you wouldn't believe it - a fairies staircase climbing to the top of the timber fence pole. The last image didn't come out very well but it shows the colours of these three I found together, all in the brightest of autumn colours.

Friday, April 10, 2009

happy easter

Recently I put up my prayer flags and have been consciously SENDING LOVE.....SENDING LOVE TO THOSE THAT NEEDED IT.........and found myself this week immersed in love with the surprise visit of my beautiful nieces from Dubai. We had the most crafty two days with them ever..... full of colour and imagination, concerts with bongos, drums and tambourines, dancing and a hilarious version of Little Red Riding Hood. When we said goodbye to them tonight and got in the car, Myles was reading my mind and said.."I'm going to miss Mia and Chloe so much".....and so will I - they have such a connection these kids and I'm certain they will for the rest of their lives - no matter what the distance between them. Love is strong and will keep them bonded.