Monday, March 31, 2008

getting our hands dirty

'billy goat, car, dinosaur, shell and one coin'
I decided today whilst the plasters were here (yes we finally have walls) that it was a good time to attempt to make the plaster relief I saw on Irene's beautiful blog with Myles. I had never used plaster before and was surprised at how easy it was. I was very grateful for some tips from the plasterer about the thickness (it should be like thickened cream) and the amount of time for setting (45-60 minutes depending on the thickness).
It was as messy as hell, but so much fun. We used the left over clay to make pinch pots and things got even messier, with Myles literally covered from head to toe in clay - I think he was trying to turn himself into a clay sculpture.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

parties, organisation and ramblings

This weekend we went to a beautiful fairy party for our niece - Ava. Whilst leaving the house in our usual fashion - in a mad rush, with Daniel deciding he needs to go to the toilet just as we are about to get in the car, Myles not finding his shoes (because he's to busy kicking a ball), Fynn following me from room to room wanting to be picked up and share the toothbrush that is hanging out of my mouth as I attempt to pack a bag and at the same time yell at everyone "where's the sticky tape", I realised how disorganised I was. Once again I had left the present shopping to the last minute and we had to stop on the way to pick up a gift - hence the need for the sticky tape in the car. As much as I try and think about getting organised I just seem to get distracted by other things. However, this weekend in the car with tension mounting we decided to just accept that this is what happens, accept we were going to be late and hence we all relaxed and the tension between us all fell away. So I'm going to accept that I'm a disorganised person and see what the universe does.

Anyway, whilst getting the kids dressed for this fairy party it reminded me of a fairy party Myles went to when he was one and the huge effort Dan and I went to to make Myles a elf costume. We sat up till the wee hours of the night and hand sewed him a little costume with buttons, pockets, bells and all. He looked so cute. Unfortunately there was no late night costume making this year - just sleep catch up.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

The sewing machine emerges

Last weekend, my sewing machine emerged from the deep dark depths of my wardrobe, a place where life hasn't been in some time, a thick layer of dust covering everything and forgotten goodies rediscovered by exploring little fingers. A couple of hours later and a lot of deliberation about material selection my beautiful nieces and I have sewed two little bags to take on their journey to a new home in Dubai. Filled with their cameras, journals and pencils to record new magical places, people and adventures, they set off on Wednesday with their mum (my sister) and little brother (bags over shoulders).
A day of mixed emotions - lots of tears and many thoughts reminding myself it wont be forever.

Monday, March 17, 2008

getting crafty

I have been collecting boxes, toilet rolls, butter containers, bottles, etc... for craft for a while now and they all go into the one cupboard. This cupboard hasn't been used for a few weeks and was beginning to spill into other cupboards and every time it was opened the contents went spilling all over the floor. So in an attempt to reduce the collection we had a massive day constructing stuff with cardboard boxes, egg cartons, straws loads of masking tape and lots of imagination. Myles got right into the car making and even had a his car books out trying to figure out where the suspension was supposed to go. We both had a go at the making the cash register and although neither were particularly related they got great usage today.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

A Crazy Week

This past week has seen the wheels well and truly fall off. I love this photo of Dan whilst he was doing some crazy dancing with the kids - his face so perfectly sums up what a crazzzzy week we have had. Myles is not recovering well from the Scarlett Fever, (which has sent me into a mild panic with my imagination working over time as to whats wrong with him), we have all had the dreaded cold that seems to be gradually spreading through everyone I know and Dan has been working weekends on the house for what feels like an eternity. So in an attempt to get some colour back into Myles' face and get him and myself outdoors and off the lounge we set about picking the fresh beans our beautiful bean vine has given us this season.
Whenever the wheels fall off I seem to retreat to the garden for some time out. I can lose time in the garden, the ramblings of my mind get dug into the garden and all I think about is our mini vege garden and try and work out why some plants grow better in one spot and not so good in another, water beading on leaves, how a pumpkin leaf looks just like a huge funnel, and watch the bugs do their thing as they pollinate our flowers.

Fynn has managed to keep us all smiling with his recent toothbrush, shoe and hat obsessions. He has such a great sense of humour, is so cheeky and such a comedian.

I decided to take on Tracie's tag challenge and write 7 weird facts about myself - so here goes:

  1. I love eating ice cream in a cup with a tea spoon and have a love of ice magic (that delicious chocolaty stuff that goes hard on your ice cream);
  2. I love to sleep in late;
  3. If there is a candle burning in front of me I 'have to' play with the melting wax;
  4. I wish I had been an entomologist (someone that studies insects);
  5. I hate cleaning with a passion - ironing infuriates me, come to think of it I actually I don't even know where my iron is;
  6. I wish I could make more time to paint, do craft, garden, paint my toe nails, do my hair (actually some days I forget to brush it and it goes straight up in a pony tail), get a massage, do yoga, and meditate everyday;
  7. I cant sit at my desk with my feet on the floor. Either one or both legs has to to be tucked up under my bum.